“If I was a sculptor, but then again, no.” 

It was Elton John who first uttered this lyric in 1970, but little did he know, 50 years later, an artist named BRYNNE would come along and perfectly embody this statement by also not being a sculptor. Not many people know this, but Elton John is actually a songwriter and musician, something BRYNNE can relate to. In fact she’s been quoted as saying, “I’m a songwriter and musician” on many occasions. However, unlike Elton John, BRYNNE was born in Houston, Texas in 1993, and has never donned a fully rhinestoned Dodgers uniform.

BRYNNE wrote her first song when she was 8 years old, and as you can probably imagine, it wasn’t very good. But it had a melody and lyrics and verses and choruses, so, you know, pretty decent for an 8 year old. She always had a natural inclination toward music, in particular songwriting, so, she did what came naturally and never stopped writing.

Now, an adult who’s been residing in Denver for 10 years, BRYNNE has had time to refine her craft through music school, be diagnosed with anxiety, and drink some beer. All and all, it’s helped her become the songwriter and person she is today.

Since she didn’t want to be able to get a job anywhere, BRYNNE got both a bachelor’s in music and in psychology. Her love of psychology and desire to understand herself and those around her (as well as diagnose strangers like she has any qualifications to do so), has had a huge impact on her songwriting. BRYNNE’s lyrics are inspired by the complexity of the human psyche and the affect our minds and perceptions have on how we navigate life. You can hear these influences in her recently released EP Out to Sea. In “Glass Bird,” you get a sense of the safety and limitation of youth and innocence. “Fingers Crossed,” which views a relationship from the point of a sailor on a sinking ship, gives one a real world crash course in loss aversion. Finally, “Second Chances” presents the listener with an introspection on what it means to have faith. 

Within all of her lyrics, BRYNNE looks to nature and the outside world, which we can see and touch, to describe the confusing and abstract happenings of the inside world. While she’s always considered herself first and foremost a lyricist, BRYNNE also produces and mixes her own music. Her production influences include Vampire Weekend, Phantogram, and 80’s pop/rock. Between folk-like lyrics and song structure, and pop/electronic production, BRYNNE offers an interesting genre-bending view on the complexity of human experience. She views making music as a puzzle - “there already exists a way for you to say exactly what you want in a song, exactly how you want to say it, you just have to find the right pieces and put them together in the right way.” Just like an artist chiseling away at stone, releasing the sculpture within. But then again, no. 


  • Out to Sea EP release August 2020

  • Top 10 finalist in UCD Songwriting competition

  • Got out of bed this morning


Out to Sea